Our Program Aim, Highlights, and Therapies
The therapies in our programs are designed to help you make sense of your problematic gambling and sports betting, and the suffering and pain that it brings, allowing you to move forward and pursue a meaningful life. Our therapies are designed to help build self-regulation skills to deal with stress, anxiety, anger, depression, detachment, exhaustion, and other symptoms experienced by individuals who have problematic or detrimental gambling and sports betting behaviours.
How Our Mental Health, Trauma, and Addiction Programs Work Together
Most treatment centres do not treat addiction (process and substance), mental health, trauma, and PTSD together. Treating one issue while ignoring the other can create unnecessary discomfort for individuals, often leading to them leaving early from the program. Our clinical and medical teams work together to make sure the recommended therapies for a client integrate seamlessly while they are with us and when they return to their professions.
Get Help Today.
Our team is ready to help at any time. Reach out whenever you’re ready.