CBT, Hypnotherapy, Smoking Cessation, group meditation, stress relief, relaxation, sleep improvement and mood stabilization. This is just a snapshot of what Tatiana offers to the clients at SCHC and GSWC.
As one of our longest-standing counsellors – ringing in at 12 years August 2020 – she has a skill set that is second to none and an understanding of the vision and mission of our Men’s and Women’s Programs. Tatiana also has an astounding professional history: a research fellowship (2002 – Elaine Thompson, Ph. D. University of Washington, Seattle) and awarded the Distinguished International Scientist Collaboration Program (2006 – Elaine Thompson, Ph.D. Reconnecting Youth Prevention Research Program University of Washington, Seattle). Tatiana displays the qualities of someone dedicated to her discipline and someone who fully believes in the work she does while trailblazing for others in her field.
Continuing her research is a passion of Tatiana’s and with a collaboration with National Institute on Drug Abuse she has the opportunity to do so. “My last research was on the benefits of hypnotherapy in treatment of addiction. I was awarded a travel award to attend the NIDA International Conference in Hollywood, but due to Covid-19 this is not happening”.
After hearing about Tatiana’s successes in her industry I began to ask about the specifics of her role in our programs, and how she came to find Sunshine Coast Health Centre. Stumbling upon an ad with Craigslist, SCHC was now on Tatiana’s radar. After taking some time to research the centre (it’s kind of what she does) she had the opportunity to meet with SCHC’s Director of Strategic Development, Daniel Jordan, casually over coffee in Vancouver where they were both living at the time. One thing led to another, next thing she knew she was in Powell River touring SCHC, realizing this was perhaps her next calling. A Centre with the same foundational beliefs that she embodies in one of the most beautiful places on earth – an office with a view? Yes, please!
Lucky us, I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but Tatiana is amazing! She holds a certain calmness to her that is easily inherited. As one of our Auxilliary Counsellors, she develops relationships with our clients during 1:1 Counselling Appointments as well as offering a wide array of Group Workshops. She builds a foundation of trust and respect by learning about each client’s specific needs and wants from therapy, as well as dispelling any misconceptions that they may have in regards to counselling, hypnotherapy, or group therapy. As part of her research, after working with a client for a minimum of 3 sessions she will ask if they are interested in filling out an anonymous questionnaire relating to their experiences with Hypnotherapy and the effects/impacts it has had on their treatment journey.
“Very inspiring” is the way Tatiana describes her findings. Finding and creating their own path is the goal for Tatiana in her sessions, she is there to guide the client to their own final destination whatever that may look like for them. Meeting clients where they are at and offering a safe space with the room to explore the more repressed feelings and emotions that aren’t typically called on. The benefit that comes with facilitating group workshops in addition to her individual sessions is that she can get her “elevator pitch” out to a broader crowd, which allows for more focus on each individual’s hopes and expectations in the 1:1 therapy. This lets her dedicate the entire session to the therapy itself rather than having to explain the innerworkings of the therapy.
12 years running and hopefully many more, Tatiana is a pillar of excellence in my eyes. With a huge heart and a passion for further developing her discipline. A keen sense of wonderment and knowing that there is always room for improvement, and a strong belief that everyone is capable of whatever they set their heart to with hard work and direction.